Tuesday 23 September 2014

What is this all about?

Jonathan and Elijah have joined a team from the Church of the Resurrection in Grand Bay on a mission trip to Belize in March 2015.  While in Belize the team will continue to work on a school building that a previous team started.  The dream is to put in the wiring and the roof while they are there.  The team will also be relationship building with the local children and families, visiting schools, playing sports and running a VBS during their time.

 This will be Elijah's first working Mission trip away from home.  He has spent time volunteering this past year with Outflow (feeding those in need) once a month and wants to do more to help others.  He is very excited at this opportunity.  He is the youngest team member, and he is willing to work and do his share for the team.

There are many ways that you can support Jonathan and Elijah in this effort.  First, please hold them (and the team) in prayer!  Prayer is an essential part of mission work and it cannot be accomplished without it.  Second, if you wish to donate to help with the cost of the trip and cost towards the school building project you can contact the church (Parish of Musquash) and specify a donation for the Mission to Belize (and who you are supporting).  We hope to get a PayPal link up and running on this page shortly.  You will receive a tax receipt for any donation made.  Third, stay informed and help to be a source of encouragement for Elijah.  There are up and down days in mission work and it helps to know that people are pulling for you!

Keep coming back to the blog for updates on their preparations.  Thank you for your support!